You essentially mash your X and Y buttons until everyone around you is taking a dirt nap. There's nothing too original here, and it's certainly not groundbreaking or complex gameplay. You are one of six warriors playing through different angles of the same war, killing everything and everyone you come across in open battlefields using massive "orb attacks" or a series of combo strings.

Similarly, Ninety-Night Nights is a game based on a simple premise: Kill everything you see. Trauma Center is perhaps one of the coolest games I've played all year. With this axiom in mind, we look at games like Nintendo's DS cult hit, Trauma Center: Under the Knife, in which you trace things, with the odd stylus motion thrown in here or there.

Ninety-Nine Dynasty Warriors Extreme Legends Nights … or thereaboutsīefore I say anything, I want to declare this: Simple gameplay does not equal bad gameplay.