Technically the game was astonishingly beautiful when it came out, really ahead of its time, but the lack of colours will still make you think that you're playing with a "sepia filter" that can be annoying by today standards, but really if I didn't know it I'd never guess the game is from 2006. Technically the game was astonishingly beautiful when it came out, really ahead of its time, but the lack of colours will still make you think that you're playing with a "sepia filter" that can be annoying Gears of War is THE franchise of the Xbox 360 but did it aged well ? First let me say that this review concern only the campaign as the multiplayer for the 360 version is dead by now. Gears of War is THE franchise of the Xbox 360 but did it aged well ? First let me say that this review concern only the campaign as the multiplayer for the 360 version is dead by now. still this looks and feels original despite the flaws im still giving it a 10 because there are a million run and gun call of duty clones out there but only 1 gears of war and it rains king over every thing els that is a online shooter. there are alot of bugs and glitches in this game and even after almost 4 years they still havent fixed 75% of them and they have done like a 100 patches for this game. you are basically in the middle of a story and get no clear sense of how it all started. the game isnt flawless the story in this game is badley told. the formulation of stratagy planning are next move just seperates this from all the other ho-hum cockie cutter shooters out there. the fun ive had with my friends on this was just intense. never in a online game is team work so vital to victory. the online is the real mear of this game. the animayions of cutting your enimy into little bits of meat just never gets old. not to mention you get a chainsaw on the end of your gun. it has a good cover mechanic and with 2 player co-op its a blast. with some of the best voice acting and diolouge in any game to date. the story mode is only about 5-6 hours long but its a fun 6 hours. the for a game thats loaded to the hilt with bugs and glitches its one of the most funest games ive played both online and off.

For a game thats loaded to the hilt with bugs and glitches its one of the most funest games ive played both online and off.